Placeholder Skincare for Men - Where and How to Start – MudadMD Skincare

By Raja Mudad

Skincare for Men - Where and How to Start

Here’s some great news, guys - skincare for men doesn’t have to be extensive or complicated at all. Just like many women prefer skincare minimalism, you can also rely on only a couple of essential steps to go through every day, then expand things a bit when you feel like it.

If you’re just starting with skincare, and don’t know where to start and what products really are necessary… keeping things short and simple is the key. It will be easier to stick to your regimen if you know you can do it in less than 5 minutes. And a simple routine you follow is always better than a bunch of complicated products you never use.

You may be the type of guy who still washes his face with hand soap and wears sunscreen only when the sun is blasting down on you. Or maybe you already have a regimen in place, but it’s just not working as well as it could be. In either case, try going back to the basics.

Here are the 3 necessary steps everyone should follow, plus a few optional ones, in case your skin could use some additional care.

3 Essential Steps of Skincare for Men

Face Wash

No matter your age, skin type or skin concerns, cleansing your face every day is a necessity for a reason. Face wash removes all the accumulated grime, sweat and bacteria off your skin and gives you a clean slate for whatever products you follow with.

You can wash your face in the morning either straight out of bed, or if you workout - after the workout. And in the evening, try and do your routine an hour or two before going to bed, so that your skin has time to absorb the products.

As for choosing the right cleanser, the important part is that you pick one formulated for your skin type. Try to avoid products that contain alcohol, synthetic fragrance, and other chemicals that have the potential to irritate your skin.


Moisturizer does more for your skin than you can tell at the first glance. It hydrates, repairs, and strengthens the skin’s natural protective barrier, as well as prevents dryness and irritations, all while shielding the skin against the elements. 

Every skin type needs a good quality moisturizer on a daily basis, but the exact type of moisturizer that would work best for you is determined by your skin’s individual needs.

For example, dry skin loves rich, nourishing creams based on natural oils and butters. If you have oily skin, try a lightweight lotion based on hyaluronic acid or ceramides. For sensitive skin, pick a product that contains soothing aloe vera or oat extract. As for the dull, skin, some brightening niacinamide, vitamin C as well as other antioxidants should do the trick.


Other than preventing skin cancer, sunscreen also delays the formation of aging signs caused by UV rays, such as wrinkles, fine lines and pigmentation. And UV rays are always around, even on cloudy days, which means you should apply sunscreen every morning, no matter the weather.

Luckily, sunscreens are not as thick, shiny and uncomfortable as they used to be. You can find great products on the market - broad spectrum SPF 30 or 50 sunscreens that are lightweight, non-comedogenic, easy to apply, reapply and don’t leave any of that notorious white chalky cast.

This is one of the products you should give serious thought to. The happier you are with it, the higher chance you’ll wear it regularly. And remember you need the protection sunscreen provides wherever you go and whatever you do outside.

Additional (Optional) Products


If you are dealing with acne, visible pores or ingrown hairs, adding an exfoliant to your regimen once or twice a week might be a really good idea. Exfoliants remove dead skin cells off the surface of your skin, even out its appearance and reduce imperfections.

Most chemical exfoliants are based on AHAs (such as glycolic or lactic acid), BHA (salicylic acid) or fruit enzymes. You can also use physical exfoliants, or scrubs, which have grainy texture that helps to remove dead skin cells.

Vitamin C Serum

Don’t underestimate the power of antioxidants. They are often the only thing that stand between your skin and the elements. Antioxidants are important because they fight free radicals, which are the main culprit behind early aging signs and all sorts of damage. And vitamin C is one of the best antioxidants out there.

Vitamin C prevents premature skin aging and even helps with already existing damage. It brightens the skin, fades dark spots, promotes collagen production and maintains the skin healthy, smooth and even.


If you feel like adding the big guns to your routine, retinol is one of the most powerful players you can find. This derivative of vitamin A helps the skin to renew itself, increases collagen in the skin, fights acne, pigmentation and fine lines, plus improves the skin’s texture and appearance.

There are not many ingredients that can make a true change in your skin the way retinol can. However, as it is such a strong product, retinol can sometimes cause dryness and sensitivities. That is why it is important to add it to your regimen slowly and gradually.

Skincare for men is as necessary as brushing your teeth, but luckily it can also be equally simple. Use these fast and easy steps to keep your skin healthy and fresh in the decades to come. Because why would you leave everything to damaging elements when such a simple regimen can do so much for your skin?