Powerful antioxidant combination
We use a proprietary trans-epidermal carrier, that ensures the optimal delivery of the active ingredients to the correct layer of the skin. Trans-epidermal means the ingredients are able to penetrate through the epidermis, which is the outer layer of the skin, that usually prevents chemicals from entering into deeper layers. Once in the dermal layer, these ingredients repair any damaged cells, stimulate cellular regeneration, enhance collagen production and counteract the effects of UV induced skin damage.

Why this combination in particular?
The skin depends on a variety of molecules to maintain its firmness, elasticity, luminosity, moisture and the ability to regenerate. These molecules act in a complementary way to produce the effect desired. As seen in the graph to the left, the combination of Ferulic, Vitamins C and E is complementary in maintaining a healthy skin.

Products backed by scientific data
As seen on the graph to the right, the ability of this combination to completely suppress the activity of damaging enzymes produced by UVA and UVB, was the driving force behind creating and developing our product.